Lesson Options and Pricing


The biggest challenge for most adults, whether they are returning to piano or starting for the first time, is finding time for lessons and practice amongst work, social, and family commitments. This can cause frustration because consistency and frequency of practice and lessons are the primary influences over how successful your piano learning experience will be. My goal is to make it as easy as possible to make and stick to a commitment of learning so that you are set up for success - and enjoy your time at the piano!


Pay as you go

  • £25/half-hour lesson in-person

  • £15/online lesson (usually 15-20minutes)

Digital Piano Rental

For £25/month, I will supply a suitable instrument to accompany your lessons, including pedal and stand. Keyboards will be fully weighted and produce a quality sound to ensure your practice is as enjoyable as possible. Cancel at any point with 30 days’ notice, and you can either return the keyboard or purchase from me. If you decide to purchase, I will count payments made up to that point towards the cost of the digital piano.

Monthly Ongoing

  • 10% discount for paying monthly in advance

  • Reserved weekly time

  • Example - 4 lessons in a month would be £100, minus 10% discount = £90